

“For this reason, a man will leave his mother and father and be united to his wife. And the two shall become one flesh.”

Genesis 2:24

Our Faith and Family ministry is devoted to resourcing and developing our marriages and families across the spectrum of life in the body of Christ. Family is complex, raising kids is difficult, and there is no "one size fits all" answer to the obstacles we face. Whether you are a single parent, blended family, traditional family unit, or find yourself in a different aspect of family life, we have a place and resources for you. We are constantly working to add to our arsenal of weapons to fight against the evil and darkness in our world today. We believe that true change in our churches and in our communities, begins at home. we are devoted to making sure our homes are as holy and healthy as they can be.


  • We provide formal training through marriage, family, or parenting workshops.
  • We have church family retreats.
  • We provide classes around family life on a regular basis.
  • We have counseling resources for family matters and partner with a number of counseling services in our area for clinical needs.

  • **Coming Soon** We will have regular points of inspiration and encouragement toward godly living through our church sponsored podcast Faith and Family offered by our Family Connections Minister and his wife.

Better 2Gether is an extension of our marriage ministry. The 2nd Saturday of each month is reserved for these events and activities


  • The Valentine Banquet is our crowning achievement. All of our ministries come together for a night of entertainment and fun.
  • Drop and Dash
  • Date Night Challenges
  • Family Picnics
  • Dad's on Duty
  • And many more

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