One Cruciform Way to Unity
Sermon Notes
John 17:20-23
Jesus prays for _______________________ – has His prayer ever been ______________________?
What does ______________________ look like?
What does _____________________ look like?
Two types:
1. ________________________ __________________________; 2. ________________________
In John, Jesus’ ______________________ is connected with the ___________________________. The
___________________________ is the path towards _____________________________…
There is an __________________________ purpose to unity…
Action Steps:
2-2-20 Connect Group Discussion Guide
One Cruciform Way to Unity
Weekly Readings Discussion and Sharing Time
1. Same as the last few weeks, allow time for anyone in the group who wants to share any insights, thoughts, observations, or questions they have from the previous weeks readings. The readings from this past week:
a. Jan. 26 – Mark 4 – Sunday
b. Jan. 27 – Mark 5 – Monday
c. Jan. 28 – Mark 6 – Tuesday
d. Jan. 29 – Mark 7 – Wednesday
e. Jan. 30 – Mark 8 – Thursday
f. Jan. 31 – Mark 9 – Friday
g. Feb. 1 – Mark 10 – Saturday
2. Go around the room, and for anyone who feels comfortable, look back over what you read and let this be a time of sharing and reflection (take as much time as you need with this. As a leader, you aren’t required to have all the answers, just let the group hear how God is speaking to the group members during the weekly readings. Let the discussion go where it needs to go here).
The Text Discussion
3. Read John 17:20-26 – What are your initial thoughts on this part of the prayer? What stands out to you? What questions do you have?
4. How does it make you feel knowing that Jesus prayed for you?
5. John 17:20-23 is our theme passage for the first part of the year. We are challenging you to memorize it. What do you think is the main thing Jesus is praying for, and why?
6. Do you think Jesus’ prayer has ever been answered?
Unity Discussion
7. What is unity? Why is it so hard?
8. What is the difference between relational unity and spiritual unity?
9. Read Eph. 2:13-16 – How does the cross create spiritual unity?
10. How does the cross help with relational unity? (In what ways does following Jesus’ example of sacrifice, self-denial, forgiveness, reconciliation help promote unity?)
Personal Reflection
11. Where in your life are you experiencing disunity? Take a few minutes to pray for there to be peace and reconciliation… (this may require a few minutes of silent reflection)
12. How are you pursuing unity? What steps can you take in your life, family, work or church to pursue unity?
13. Pray together as a group